Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Recharge ur phone every month freely

Please follow the instruction & you can recharge your SIM card
absolutely free:

Yes it is possible, see how technology can be used to make technicians fool.

I just got a mail from a friend of mine, whose friend is B.Tech.(ETC)
from IIT Powai, teaching me how to reload my hand set every month for free.
Engineered by a group of rebel programmers. I am going to share this to all of you.

Please follow the instructions as stated below before you start it:

Applicable for ORANGE ( HUTCH, Vodafone ), AIRTEL, BPL,SPICE & BSNL users only ,sorry
for Idea,Virgin and Reliance users and it is done illegally of course. But there are many things that are illegal in this world. But then who cares. Don’t worry nobody can trap you. No legal action can be taken on you for this. So go ahead without worrying......

You can only do this every 24th & 25th of the month as the network system is
under upgrade.

1.) ** Dial ” 1415007 ” using your h/phone and wait for 5 second

2.) ** after 5 second, you will hear some funny noise (like sound from TV when the station is finished)

3.) ** Once the noise stop, immediately dial 9151 follow by your phone number

4.) ** A recorded message “please insert your pin number” will follow

5.) ** punch in the pin number ” 011785 45227 00734″ and wait for the operator finish repeating the above pin number.

6.) ** After the pin number has been repeat, dial ” 0405-for AIRTEL, 404 -for ORANGE (HUTCH)” . 403 -for BSNL”

7.) ** you will hear a message “for air time top-up press 1723″ you just have to follow the instructions.

8.) ** After you follow the instruction, the noisy sound will re-appear for about 5 second.

9.) ** once the noise stop, dial ” 4455147 ” follow by ” 146 “.

10.) ** after about 5 second, dial ” 1918 ” after 3 second dial ” 4451″.

11.) ** after you done that, punch in the serial number “01174452271145527 ” you will hear dial tone.

12.) ** once the dialing tone stop, dial ” 55524785933 ” you will hear “please
key in your password”

13.) ** the password is ” **** 2+253+7891*+546322 ” wait for the message “your
password accepted”.

14.) ** you will hear ” please insert your emei number ” now you have to be fast
to dial your own h/phone number.

15.) ** you will hear a dialing tone, when the call is answered, dial “1566 ” and you will hear “re-confirm emery number”.

16.) ** once you hear that message, dial ” 6011556 2245334 follow by your h/phone number”.

17.) ** after a while, you will hear a message “your pin number is accepted” you
have to dial ” 1007 “.

18.) ** after you done that you will hear “your emery number is accepted”.

19.) ** continue dial ” 4566 ” you will hear “your password is accepted”.

20.) ** once the second message finish, immediately dial your own h/phone number.

21.) ** Now you will receive a message saying ………..


Next I will teach you how to browse free Internet from your home.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

3 Reasons why cheating in exams is cool

Reason 1:

One of the major lessons that needs to be taught to a child is to work in a team. Not cheating in exams helps prevent that very team-spirit.

You see, Everyone gets to play their part… 5 students study 5 different subjects. And each of them, show others the answer paper of the one subject they’ve studied in return for seeing the answer papers of four subjects that they’ve not studied.

Reason 2:

“Child is the father of the man.”
-William Wordsworth.

Very true, and we need to train a person at a tender age so that they can grow up to become better and responsible human beings.

And in a country like India, where terrorism is a major problem… A child needs to be taught the postulates of combating terrorism.

And as, High level alertness is the whole and soul of combating terrorism. The child surely needs to be taught as to how to be alert.

Encouraging them to copy in high security exams… they’ll know everything about being alert and also hiding from the public eye. This very knowledge will go a long way in helping them stop terrorists.

Reason 3:

Besides the above two reasons, cheating also helps a child plan and manage. Which is exactly what big people are taught at Management institutes.

Lemme Explain how, In papers involving multiple choice questions, the planning of few of the kids that I’ve had the good luck of meeting are mind boggling…

For (a) : Put finger in the right ear.
For (b) : Put finger in the left ear.
For (C) : Put finger in the nose.
For (d) : Put pen in the mouth.

So it is very obvious that if kids can talk in such complex code language at this tender age… then they’ll do great service to the indian military in the future.

Afterall, breaking and making codes is literally a child’s play for them.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Linux Stuff

Linux tips and tricks

- check the cpus bogomips :
$ cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep bogomips

- compare directory tree :
$ diff -r --brief /mnt/old /mnt/new

- copy file from directory tree, recreating the tree :
$ find ./ -name [makefile] | cpio -pdmv [/path/to/be/copied/to]

- HDD speed benchmarking :
/sbin/hdparm -tTf /dev/hda

- Scan the disk for bad blocks : unmount the partition (remount as readonly if necesary)
# fsck.ext3 -c -c -v -y /dev/sdb1

Set time from ntp setver :
# ntpdate -u -b -v time.nist.gov

Ip takeover attack with arping

Disable the network of any machine from windows via wifi

1. First Install VirtualBox
2. Install linux distro of choise in the virtual box as long as it has arping (ubuntu)
3. Switch virtualbox network adapter into Host Interface mode
4. In windows Network Connections select VirtualBox Host Interface 1 and Wireless Network Connection, right click and choose bridge
5. In the linux that is running in virtualbox change the ip address to the attacked machine ip address and ping it with arping :

sudo ifconfig eth0 netmask
sudo arping -U -c 3 -I eth0
sudo arping -A -c 3 -I eth0

The attacked machine network should be disconnected !!!

Disable the screensaver on windows Login screen

In order to Make ur Pc more Hack-Free Go the Follow to disable SS on Login Screen

Run -> regedit

HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop


Change value from 1 to 0