This site has really good articles and also they are sorted well....
here is some info on one of the article which i found useful over there :-
Design a good website navigation to archive better results
I would suggest every web designer to see this articles. It explains every point on how to get good results and have a good 2 way communication from the user.
Before this article i never realized that navigation can be so important !
The author has really very well arranged and summarizes that these are the most important points for every web designer :-
- Create simple, visible, consistent navigation.
- Orient visitors with “You Are Here” markers.
- Minimize visitor effort.
- Provide multiple ways to access information.
- Provide for visitors with varied skill levels.
- Provide feedback.
- Make sure the navigation is flexible and expandable.
If you see the second last point "Provide feedback" and the point that "Provide multiple ways to access information" are really very important.
Feedback is must for every website. This gives the LIFE to the website. The visitor may feel good that the webmaster is listening to him and not like the website is mass communicated without know what the visitors feel.
If you look around all the big website like google, yahoo all have a feedback option.
Now feedback option for facebook is quite understood, but if sites like google also have feedback option, then this proves how important it is for YOUR site!
Providing multiple way to access information is another very important point.
There are time when the user may get broken, like maybe he has an older version of FLASH and if your site is fully flash and no alternate is given, then the user is going to have a hard time!
Every site should have a backup path to access information. And all flash sites MUST have a text only option as with windows you don't get flash install and there can be a considerable no of users without flash installed.
All the points are very well explained in the article, i suggest all my visitors to see the above website.